t-ball jamboree!!!!
Charliebug was in the annual t-ball jamboree last weekend and he was so excited and did very well.  All the teams are the Padres and Bug's team have the throw back yellow and brown uniforms from the 1970's.  Bug got the game ball sticker on his helmet from Coach Mario for the best hitting... no T for this baller!!!  Everyone on the team also got a medal for participating and you can tell by the smiles that Charlie was so proud!
 Right during warm up... Buggy got beaned with the ball right in the cheek!

 Supportive Big Brother Coaching From the Sidelines!!!

 Little Slugger!  No T for the Baller!

 Blane and Buggy!

 Bug got the game ball sticker on his helmet for best hitting in the game! Good Job Buggy!

 Then it was on to get their medals.  Everyone in the t-ball jamboree got awarded medals and Buggy was super proud!

 Buggy and Coach Mario!!!
 Jackson was so proud of his little brother!


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