Bug's Army Party!

Buggy's Party was super fun!  It was just like Jackson's party only this time more adults got in on the action to play a little laser tag!  Take a look at all of our fun!

 Jackon and Charlie all camouflaged up and ready for combat!!!

 Buggy's good friend, Adrian was in battle too! 

 Jack, Billy and Joey Ryan, Jack R. and Maddie with Jackson and Birthday Bug!

 Incoming... Coppa... Goggle... Daddy

 And Yes... even Mommy!

 The sniper... which was my son, Jackson... took Mommy out!!!

 time for pizza
 and cake

 Cousin Noa (new spelling)was not into the shooting, but she was way into cupcakes and ice-cream!
 Then of course there were many presents from Bug's friends and family...an astronaut suit from Grandma and Coppa... well you can see that he loved it and put it on as soon as he could!

 An Army set with many tanks, trucks and amo from Gramma Lane and Coppa Les was a hit too!

 Go Ahead... make my 6 year old day!


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