
Showing posts from June, 2015

I have a Middle Schooler???

Where did the time go???  I just brought him to Olympic View to be a 2nd grader 10 minutes ago and now he is promoted to Middle School!  The time sure does go by way to quickly!  Daddy and I are so proud though of all that he has accomplished!  He is promoted with a Presidential Award for Achievement in Academic Excellence!   Jackson and Mr. Paul Jackson and Mrs. Viora... his 2nd grade teacher! The boys and Mr. Robert Mrs. Umali... Jackson's 5th grade teacher! Silly Ms. Inumerable with Jackson and The Rock! For real... Jackson and Ms. Inumerable... his 4th grade teacher! Crazy as ever... Mrs. Lines! Jackson and Mrs. Lines... his 3rd grade teacher! Bug and Mrs. Lines... his 3rd grade teacher for 2 weeks... sad story! Jackson and his 6th grade teacher... Mrs. Villar! Something these two loved doing was make faces at each other in class!  No wonder he loved her! Jackson

6th Grade Dance!

The night before graduation is the 6th grade dance.  These kids have been working on these dances for quite a while, from the Waltz, Fox Trot, Marange, Cha Cha, Hustle to the Swing!  So impressive and so darn cute!  There was also a Mother/Son dance and I did my best not to cry! Jackson and his best friend, Brandon! Brandon, Jackson and Jordan Natalia and Sadie! Jackson's teacher, Mrs. Villar Dancing the swing with Isabella What dance is complete without The Electric Slide? All of us on the dance floor for some dancing! Grandma and Coppa came to enjoy the show! I love you, my bud!