
Showing posts from February, 2014

Field Hockey! 2014

We are so excited and proud of our son, Jackson!  He is playing field hockey for Olympic View, and his coach is U.S. Olympic Field Hockey Player, Kevin Barbar!  What a great opportunity!  The games are all at the Olympic Training Center right here in Chula Vista!  Coach Kevin is really into Jackson and his abilities... playing goalie A LOT!

My Jackson turns 11!!!

It seems like just yesterday that I had my first son, Jackson.  He has brought us so much joy and love that it is impossible to put it into words! It seems like just yesterday... we were celebrating just his first year with us... Was and still is our whole world! Fast forward... 10 years later... he is 11!!!

Field Trip with Momma!

Last week, we went on a 2nd grade field trip to Balboa Park to learn about how the first event there was a world's fair.  We toured around and the best part was... Charlie got to hang out with Momma because I was there with my class too! What a fun day!!!