End of T-Ball!!!

Today it was the last of T-Ball for the Elkinton Family!  Charlie had his last game of the season today and had his team party with trophies afterwards!  It was fun because it was family day at the ball park and the coaches were being dunked in the dunk tank and the game truck was there, etc.  Take a look at the last game and how happy Bug is to get his trophy!
last at bat for the Padres t-ball season!!! 

Coach Mario in the Dunk Tank!

 Then it was time for the trophies... Buggy was first!

 In case you are wondering... Buggy got a Brewers hat and wanted to wear it right after the game... hence the wrong hat in all of these pictures!!!
Great Season... see you next Spring!

Now... Jackson is in the playoffs this week... serious stuff... more information on wins and losses as the week carries through... as of now... we are 1 and 1!


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