I Have A Teenager???

Oh my gosh... 13!  I can not have a 13 year old!  It seems just like last night that John was breaking the speed barrier getting me to the hospital and asking the first person he saw (security guard) about getting me an epidural!
Well... here we are 13 years later!  Jackson has turned into such an amazing young man!  For his birthday, John surprised him with a trip to Scottsdale, Arizona for the Barrett Jackson Auto Show!  Oh my gosh!  He died and went to heaven!

Next day we had the family over for a family birthday celebration!  Well... I sent John to the store to get a few things and to pick up the cake... Long story short... he dropped the awesome Porsche cake so the baker whipped another one up really quick... not so awesome, but it did take good!

Crazy... teenage years to follow!


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