Oh... yes, temporary insanity happened while I decided to let my kiddos my Ooblick! Very messy! Is it a solid? a liquid? No one knows for sure! All we do know is Mommy made it happen outside and it was very fun!
I cannot believe it! NINE YEARS OLD!!! It seems like yesterday that we brought little Jackson home from the hospital! He is growing up way too fast! It really does just fly by. We are so proud of the person Jackson is and how sensitive, kind and caring he is! This year, Jackson is really into army and anything resembling a gun... so of course his party had a military theme. We hired a company to come to the house to do laser tag and it was blast! First I had to do some serious planning on the decorating end of things! Thank the Lord that my friend Jill turned me onto Pinterest... got all my ideas from there! Okay... enough with all the decorations... onto the laser tag... Beyond excited that it's finally 3:00!!! The "soldiers" getting the mission guidelines! Notice Charlie in full soldier gear! If you are wondering why their faces are all dirty... well... Jackson w...
I cannot believe I have a child old enough to get braces! Well, here we are and Jackson is getting braces and will have them until he is in 8th grade! Then it was decided that this handsome boy and his handsome brother both needed haircuts! What handsome boys I have!!!
Last week, we went on a 2nd grade field trip to Balboa Park to learn about how the first event there was a world's fair. We toured around and the best part was... Charlie got to hang out with Momma because I was there with my class too! What a fun day!!!
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